Admission Application
1.) For admission to BNTI please fill out the admission application form and send it along with the $26.00 nonrefundable application processing fee and tuition to:
B’nai Noach Torah Institute
POB 1075
Georgetown, Colorado 80444-0175 USA
It is not necessary to pay an additional admission fee as long as one continues as a student in good standing at BNTI.
2.) The tuition rate is:
– $18.00 {non refundable} per 1.5 unit course
– $36.00 {non refundable} per 3 unit course
Any classmate may request in writing that a portion of the admission application fee and a portion of the tuition fee be waived. All that is necessary to begin the process for consideration is to state what you can pay.
3.) BNTI follows an open door policy. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn regardless of their background.
4.) BNTI reserves the right to suspend any classmate upon written notice and to refuse readmission.
5.) First Year Classmates may take up to 3 courses from the selection of first and second year courses available.
6.) Second Year Classmates may take up to 5 courses from the selection of first, second and third year courses available.
7.) Third Year Classmates may take up to 5 courses from the selection of first, second, third and fourth year courses available.
8.) Second Year Classmates may request a Class Leader Internship. Upon acceptance there is an additional $72.00 fee for internship.
9.) Third Year Classmates may request a Teaching Internship after one year of Class Leader Internship. Upon acceptance there is an additional $108.00 fee for internship.
10.) New courses will be added as we continue to grow, G-d willing.